marți, 18 decembrie 2012

League of legends rp generator

Hi guys, if you have heard about the game League of Legends, then you will already love this new vid i found on youtube :D

here is the link:

Enjoy the Snowdown!

miercuri, 15 august 2012

Rules of Basic Behavior

Okay, so there are a couple of rules every man should follow. These rules can make a good first impression to anybody.

 Rule No. 1

 I cannot stress this enough! A man that lives in a civilised group does not curse. You are excused from this rule when you are home alone and you stub your toe, but besides this situation, cursing is a huge NO.

 Rule No. 2

Spitting means letting your instincts overpower your sense of ration, thus making you behave like an animal. Don't.

Rule No. 3
Be polite.

Even with the guy you hate.

Rule No. 4
Don't make fun of other people's fails.

How would YOU feel if someone made you look like a fool for that tiny stain of mustard on your tie?

Rule No. 5
Watch "The Godfather".

A masterpiece from which you can learn a lot about men's good manners and strong principles.

marți, 14 august 2012

For starters.

Hello. I am Nevermind and my goal is simple. To try and show as many men as possible how to change themselves for the better, how to behave in various situations and how to deal with the stress of the modern society. I don't claim to be the perfect man, nor do i intend to be, but I think I have some experiences to share, and, more important, some pieces of advice to give. I am planning to start simply by giving everyday tips that all men should know, and, if I receive any feedback, I shall continue with a lot more topics. So, these thing being said, the transformation from a wuss to a Rock Solid Man begins!